Secret Agent Garbage...

Sometimes it just pays to go around the block-As I was pulling into my driveway Tuesday, I noticed a table set up in my neighbor's yard. On it was a pile of treasure, at least to me, with a sign that said "FREE-Help Yourself! I had pulled the car up to the table since I still can't walk that far with my back injury. So, I simply popped the trunk and carefully loaded up the light stuff. It was mostly vintage camera gear, which was cool enough, but the absolute coolest find was this like new, still in the box with papers Aiwa handheld reel-to-reel tape recorder! This thing looks like it is right out of Mission:Impossible! Everything is there, including the original cloth bag of dessicant. I'm going to drop some fresh batteries in and see what may be on the tape, maybe some Cold War-era spy messages-but more than likely, somebody's Birthday or Dictation notes...Still, very cool, hard to find, and FREE.
UPDATE: I sold this guy on Ebay for 30 bucks! Gotta love it....
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